Monday, January 1, 2018

I am enough. I appreciate who I am.

January 1, 2018

My intention for this year is Possibility.  I have come into the awareness the last few months of 2017 how much I don't live in the land of possibility.  I am not so much a pessimist with no faith in life, but I have come to see how much of my internal dialogue for and about myself comes from a place of not thinking I am enough.  You may or may not resonate with that internal chatter, but let me tell you living and choosing from an internal belief of not being enough is painful.  I realize how many decisions I have made from that place and it just makes me a bit sad.  I am someone who coaches others on their spiritual path and here I still have this huge, sometimes looming personality challenge of "not enough-ness".  But this challenge isn't necessarily something that ends, its just part of my journey and if I relate to it consciously it can be a catalyst for amazing growth and opportunity.  That is what I declare on this first day of 2018!

This year, enough is really enough IS enough, it has to be.  Whatever is here for me, you, all of us, is all that can be in this moment and it has to be enough.  If I continue to work, eat, choose and love et cetera from now not being enough then I am not being present and that is all I want to be....present.  In the present moment IS where possibility lives and to stay in the present has to be enough...I have to be enough.

My  affirmation/mantra personal boot strap puller-upper phrase this year is "I am enough.  I appreciate who I am."

The first decision of this year from this place is re-engaging my daily meditation & prayer practice along side doing the Whole30.  If you haven't heard of the Whole30 read this.  It is basically an elimination diet that can reset or reboot your system, eating habits and health.  What better time to do that than at the beginning of the year.  My wife Dr. Cari Jacobson and I are starting this journey together tomorrow and will be recording and sharing our journey along the way.

I am enough to try something completely new to better my health. 

You are enough to do whatever you need to do this year to have the life you want.

What will it be for you?  Whatever it is, lets support one another.  I am using this blog as accountability support, but hope it is inspiring to you as well.

Happy New Year!

Love, Light & Laughter,

Rev. D

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