Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Importance of New Ideas

"Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness.  All that befalls a man--all that is done by him--all that comes from him--happens as a result of his state of consciousness.  A man's consciousness is all that he thinks and desires and loves, all that he believes is true and consents to.  That is why a change of consciousness is necessary before you can change your outer world.  Rain falls as a result of a change in the temperature in the higher regions of the atmosphere, so, in like manner, a change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness. ----Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans12:2)---- To be transformed, the whole basis of your thoughts must change.  But your thoughts cannot change unless you have new ideas, for you think from your ideas.  All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed." - The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard (you can actually download this book for free, its in the public domain!

I love reconnecting with some of the basic principles of consciousness studies.  What jumped out immediately in this reading was the fragment "...your thoughts cannot change unless you have new ideas..."  Some may ask, "why would I want to change what I think" (or believe).  It is easy to go to an extreme with a statement like this and think "Does this mean I don't know anything?"  which can then result in complete self doubt or defensiveness, "I'm not stupid, I know plenty, I have been making it just fine."  What this reading and this statement reminds me of and invites us all to remember is that our thoughts and beliefs create our lives.  Here is an example, two people could be going to the same meeting at work about planning for the upcoming employee summer picnic, person #1 is excited about the meeting and looking forward to collaborating with members from other areas in the company to create a fun outing for the entire company, person #2 walks into the meeting thinking "here we go, another opportunity for the company to tell me how to live my life, not only do they tell me how to do my work, now they are going to tell us how to have fun!"  The thing is both of these individuals will sit in the same planning meeting and have completely different experiences of Life!  What is the difference?  Consciousness and belief.

There are times in my life when I am like person #1 and there are for sure times when I am like #2.  What's usually an indicator that my ideas, thoughts and beliefs aren't serving me in a given moment is how I feel.  So I pay attention to my feelings and in a moment when I feel angry, confused, scared or some other feeling that I associate with not feeling "good", I have the opportunity to pause and ask "what am I believing about myself or someone/thing else right now?"

In those instances, if I do not choose to believe or think a new idea, or at least open myself to a new idea, guess what....I will get more of the same experience.  This is what I believe Neville Goddard was referring to in the quote above, "...a change of consciousness is necessary before you can change your outer world."  The next time you wish to change someone or something else, take a moment and see if there is a new idea you can open up to. By simply asking that question we open ourselves to new possibilities in life.

This may all sound great on the screen, but you find yourself asking well how in the world do I "DO" this?  It all begins with practice, for me meditation and prayer.  I meditate everyday and pray everyday.  In prayer I affirm the new ideas and in meditation I sit allowing the new ideas to percolate and reveal well...something new.

I also get counseling, mentoring, coaching and other support on a regular monthly basis.  If you are seeking support, I would love to be that support for you or point you in the direction of someone that can support you in discovering some new ideas about yourself and how life works.

Feel free to contact me if you are seeking support in discovering new ideas for your life.

Love, Light & Laughter!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Practice the Core of My Life!

The philosophies and principles of what I have been studying for the past 10 plus years ultimately all point to one thing...prove it!  We/I can read about all kind of great ideas, philosophy techniques and doctrines, but if we never practice them we will truly never, ever "know" its truth and wisdom.  Thus, practice has become the the core of my life.  I love to read up on things and have an intellectual understanding of it all, but if I don't practice what I am reading about, it really doesn't mean anything.  Often times in classes and workshops I teach, or counseling sessions I offer, a participant will ask "okay, but how do I know this stuff will work?"  Well really, you won't? won't know unless you try it out and practice it for yourself. 

That is why I have invited so many people to meditate during this meditation marathon.  I write, try to come up with inspirational thoughts, and quote great minds of old, but my goal with all of this is to guide myself and others into a greater practice of experiencing and knowing the greatness of Love in our lives.  One of the greatest ways to begin practicing is in meditation, talking to no one but the self for a few minutes everyday.

One of my greatest teachers Ernest Holmes wrote, "...what the world needs is spiritual conviction, followed by spiritual experience.  I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered.  It is far easier to teach the Truth than it is to practice it.  But the practice of Truth is personal to each, and in the long run no once can live our life for us.  To each is given what he needs and the gifts of heaven come alike to all.  How we shall use these gifts is all that matters! To hold one's thought steadfastly to the constructive, to that which endures, and to the Truth, may not be easy in a rapidly changing world, but to the one who makes the attempt much is guaranteed.  The essence of spiritual mind healing -- and of all true religious philosophy -- is an inner realization of the Presence of Perfection within and around about.  It is the hope of heaven, the Voice of God proclaiming: "I am that which thou art; thou art that which I am."

As a musician, I can read about theory, but until I practice and experience that theory it is simply a bunch of words and notes on a page.  As a minister, a counselor, and regardless of title, as a person desiring to experience and know Love, God, Spirit as and in my life, I can read all I want, but until I practice and experience that theory it is simply a bunch of words on a page.  I reach out again and invite whomever is reading this to join me in better understanding Love through practicing it!

Looking for support, counseling, classes or workshops to support you in your practice?
Contact me at or call 773-450-3865.

Love, Light & Practice,
