Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Possibilities Exist That I Am Not Aware Of?

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it's the only one you have.  - Emile Chartier

I have been contemplating this quote most of the day, going back and forth from thinking this statement is profound to thinking, "hey, I think my thoughts are pretty good, does this mean my thoughts stink?".  I breathe and let both of those thoughts pass and ask in meditation, when I am jogging, as I am doing the laundry, in the shower "what other thoughts could I have than the ones I currently think?"  or another way of asking is "what possibilities exist in my life that I am not aware of?"  At the end of September I am teaching a workshop on Visioning, the practice of asking life, asking God, Spirit, The Universe, what is it that is looking to expand as my life beyond what I currently know.  

This is a humbling practice, for in order to learn something we don't currently know, we must admit we don't know it all.  I don't know about everyone else, but I have a little voice that lives in my head called the Inner Critic, aka the Perfectionist.  And this voice knows everything and in no way shape or form likes to admit that it doesn't know something or know how to figure out the answer to life.  It takes a little time and some deep breathing but I can eventually get into a space where I fully embrace that I do not know it all, and open myself up to be shown possibility.  This is the practice of Visioning, opening ourselves up to infinite possibility.  However, this is not an intellectual exercise of brainstorming as many ideas as possible, rather this is a very intentional practice of listening to our heart's desires without editing.  We embrace possibilities that we are not aware of from a space and consciousness of love and allow these possibilities to imprint our thinking which we experience as thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations, colors, numbers, specific direction in life and more.

Visioning is not something I just talk about it is something I engage in a few times a year.  Personally this fall I am committing to this practice for myself at least once a month.  I also wish to offer this practice to individuals and groups too, whether you wish to engage in the process for yourself in a private session, a group session or a larger class there are many options I am offering.  Contact me and lets get you engaged in this practice to see what possibilities exist in your life that you are not aware of.

Love, Light & Laughter,

Darrell Jones