Monday, February 3, 2014

'Tis the Season of Love!

So I had a great realization today,  I like Valentine's Day.  I really do, yes it can be a little hokey, awkward and forced, but once you get through all that (admittedly sometimes we can't) the essence of the day is pretty great.  It is a day a good percentage of our culture agrees to talk about love, share love and receive love.  How amazing is that!

I am presenting at two events honoring love this weekend and next.  The first is Love Fest at the Bodhi Spiritual Center on February 8th, here's the link for tickets and info

Love Fest is an all day event from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., the first keynote speaker is Rev. Mark Anthony Lord (9 a.m.), one of my dearest friends and teachers, he's the one that helped awaken the counselor and minister in me!  The next keynote is Byron Katie (11 a.m.).  If you aren't familiar here is her website  You must check her out.  Her simple yet powerful teaching aims to free us from anything that isn't love.

After her presentation my beloved partner Cari Jacobson and I will be presenting on Gary Chapman's book the 5 Love Languages (1:30 - 3:00p.m.).  We will be offering an introduction to his work and teaching and share how it has deepened our ability to give and receive love.  And we will support all of the attendees in practicing the philosophy of the 5 Love Languages in their lives.

The next event is The Love Summit 2014:  Igniting Passion, Connection & Fun
This is a 4 day Tele-summit that I will be a part of a panel discussion and there will be over 15 people presenting on how to activate greater love for yourself and the life you live!

Celebrate Love this season, I hope you join me at one of the events above, but if nothing else, take these words of Marianne Williamson into your heart as she summarizes teachings from the book A Course in Miracles.
"...everything that someone does, says the Course is either love or a call for love.  If someone treats us with love, then of course love is the appropriate response.  If they treat us with fear, we are to see their behavior as a call for love."

There is only Love or a call for Love!

Much Love to you! ~ Darrell

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